Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why We Need A Public Pool

  The reason that we need a public pool is because kids can swim rather than smoke, do drugs, or alchol. We need a pool for the saftey of everyone and it would be fun. We could get some huge slides so bigger kids will be interested in the pool and littler pools for little kids. We could get basketball goals so the kids can play so games like knock out, free throws, or just a pick up game. We could get tubes so they will go faster on the slides but that could be optional to the person that is going to be sliding. We will have strict rules for saftey but not to where they will take the fun out of it.

picture from here

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Super Bowl

    The new fight for the championship in the Super Bowl  they have fought hard all season to get there and now it comes down to the NY Giants and the Patriots. I personally want the Giants to win but it will be a close game. I really wanted the Ravens to beat the Patriots to go to the Super Bowl and verse the giants but they lost because they missed a easy feild goal that was on the five yard line. When you score a touch down you kick from the same spot and they made all of them on their first try but missed it when it counted the most.

picture from here

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Place I Want To Go

The place I would like to visit is France. I would go there because I want to see the Eiffel tower. I would eat alot of French food like pasta and alot more. I would learn the whole launguage so I can know what they are saying and so I could speak to the people. I would try to have as much fun as possible on my trip to the city of romance.

picture from here

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Being Athletic

      The way i stay active is i just do sports, but not all sports are in season so I train. I do all kinds of sports football, cross country, track, and basketball. I used to play baseball, and soccer, but I havent played those sports in years. I would have to say football is my favorite you get to tackle people and not get in trouble and i really fun when you destroy the other team.

Picture From Here

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


     My favorite sport is football, I always watch and play the sport. My favorite team is the colts and my second favorite is the GreenBay Packers. I want to be either a wide receiver or the quarter back, but i need to decide so i can get training. If im quarter back i will go and work out at the high school to get stronger the be able to launch the football down the feild. If im wide recever i will need to go to the football feild and do sprints and work on my cordination.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012


 I love to play football, and run to let my anger out.

picture from here