Thursday, September 27, 2012

South Carolina

I remember a time I went to South Carolina. It was about a 16 hour drive but we stayed in a hotel when we were half way there up in Tennesee. When we got there it was a sort of cloudy sad day but it still was nice to see all the diffrent landscapes. The entire trip didnt go so well though.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Slender man

Slender man is a myth but yet people still beileive it, I for one dont. Slender man looks is basicly a man in a tuxedo and has no face. There is a game on the computer called slender which youy have to collect 8 pages before he kills you, he can teleport and walk very fast, if he gets close enough to you you hear a noise similar to a radio beeping very loud and the screen of your computer looks like a channel on a t.v. which is fuzzy looking. Im glad its only a myth.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Measuring tape

The first thing that came to mind when I saw it was 'What the...ohhh i see'. I didnt know what it was when i first looked at it. It was a ape thing desinged to meeasure things. It didnt  remind me of anything.Pic below.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

My cat

My cat is somewhat evil, itlaws at my feet and attacks my dog. Its also insane, when its running acrosss the room it all the sudden stops for no reason and starts hissing. I am also alergic to it, one day when i was holding it my face started feeling itchey, so I scratchedt and it got worse. I looked and a mirror and my face was swollen and had red bumbs all over it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The memory I would bottle up

This is the memory I would bottle up. The time when I went hunting with my dad, even though we didnt kill anything, we still had fun. We had a great time going tio the woods and being silent. Here is a picture below.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The armry

My uncle is in the army, hes a aptain right now. I dont know if I would want to go in the army even though I would do anything to protect my family and my country. The men and women of the army protect us and defend aour freedom so whenever you have a chance take a second to say thanks to them. Show them some suport!! Peace.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor day

Labor day is a holiday on the first monday of september, It is for the acheivements of America's workers. Peter j. McGuire suggested a day a day for all these American workers later known as Labor day. Some beleive that Matthew Maguire founded the holiday. The first Labor day took place at New York city, on September 5, 1882. Read more here.