Thursday, January 30, 2014

The windmil

l Jung-Chih Chiao made a 1.8mm windmill. They are so small that you can put ten of them in one grain of rice. They are made of very  flexible nickel. A few thousand would be able to power the lights in a single family's house. They are selling them in packs of 100 for emerges.

Picture form here   
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  2.  I would be foolish to assert that it never happens.
  3. If you've never contemplated gardening.
  4. Peterman clothes are pretty durable and long-lasting.
  5. wind turbines generate electricity by harnessing the energy of moving air.
  6. The patent expires in about 10 years.
  7. There are already prototype plants and they are perfect
  8. My dad cook me a wafer for breakfast.
  9. All need good drainage, can withstand dry conditions and severe frosts.